We played in the waves


I mentioned a little while ago that my sister and brother-in-law would be visiting with the rest of their peeps as part of Andy's birthday celebration.  One of his requests was to hit the beach.  Easy enough; we're just down the street.  After eating lunch, we finally packed ourselves up and headed over.  Havi fell asleep during the short drive.
 And she stayed asleep the entire 10-15 minutes we spent splashing around.
Marsha, Andy's mom, watched Josh.
 And Phil, Andy's dad, kept Madeline company, while Patrick and Andy set up our umbrellas.
 My sister thought it would be great fun to jump the waves with Caleb and Leah.
And no sooner did Patrick get in the water, then the sirens blew, and the lifeguards had to clear out the beach because of lightning in the area.  For real.  It was such a bummer.

So we packed right back up and drove home.
Then we all jumped in the pool and swam for a long time because the thunder and lightning dissipated.  Gotta love how quickly weather in central Florida can change. lol

It was a fabulous day with great food thanks to Patrick- steaks, twice baked potatoes, buffalo wing dip, just to name a few.  I contributed a simple 2 layer vanilla cake, some chocolatey triple chocolate chip cookies, and cookie dough ice cream.  Our taste buds did the happy dance.  The guys watched some football while I hung out with my sister, and Caleb showed Madeline and Leah how to hit a tennis ball.  Havi and Josh practiced their sharing skills.  It was a fantastic, fun-filled day.

2 sweet words:

Cheri Friday, September 20, 2013  

It's so beautiful there. I need a vacation to Florida.

Deb Saturday, September 21, 2013  

Havi was so darling while she slept on the sand. And I had an absolute blast splashing around with Leah and Caleb. So glad the weather cooperated so we could all go swimming. It was a fantastic weekend. Love you girl!


About This Blog

This blog is a place where we have shared our lives with family and friends while we waited to bring our daughter, Madeline, home from China and while we actually traveled to China for her. It is also a place where we will continue to share our life experiences, as we try to glorify God and raise our two precious dumplings from China.

And now we wait to bring Havi home from China.

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